If we think of heritage we are typically drawn to thoughts pertaining to our rich diversity of cultures in SA – our different ancestry, our mother tongues, our traditions, our music, our religious/spiritual realm and our relations in families.

I also want to focus on our female heritage as “Daughters of Mother Earth.”

In our lifetime we will be children, young adults, possibly mothers and grandmothers.

Our modern life has become fragmented. The ancient culture of female gatherings to encourage and help one another, the wisdom, experience and guidance passed from older to younger females as well as the mutual respect to entertain ideas and viewpoints of those younger than oneself has diminished. One such time involves the crucial period surrounding childbirth.

Female independence is a quality that I value very highly. However, I believe one should use your strength and common sense to know when to tap into the power and support of the Sisterhood.

I have decided to rally an army of women around me and accept their wisdom, energy, help and advice if I go through a challenging time.

I have been blessed to have 3 mothers to guide me as well as more than one mother being available to my two beautiful daughters. It also took more than one sister to raise them to where they are today!

I have never been privileged to have a blood sister, but I thank every other sister I have met inside and outside of my medical practice who has inspired me in my life journey so far!